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Bionic Beaver, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Release Party
With the anticipated release of the new LTS version of Ubuntu, Bionic Beaver, the Ubuntu-Arizona Local Community Team had a Release Party on 21 April 2018 from 1400 to 1800 at the home of Walter and Ingeborg Mack in Chandler AZ. Invitations to attend were sent via the Team mailing list, announcements were made at the weekly Sunday Team meetings, and postings were placed on the Team web site. There were 12 attendees.
The party was a rousing success. Our gracious hosts Walter and Ingeborg Mack were kind and well prepared with more condiments and refreshments than anyone could ask for. Walter (wmack) did the honors at the grill cooking the hamburgers and bratwursts and Inge insured that everyone had more than enough to eat. Rex (MajB) and Rose once again provided chili and home made tortillas from Sierra Vista. Tammie supplied an excellent pot of baked beans. Our Team Leader, Todd (toddc), showed up late but contributed a very tasty chicken pot pie. Paul (pavlos) and Christy provided a cheese cake that probably had more than calories in it than allowed by law but sure tasted delicious. Once again there was more food than we could eat at two release parties.
The visiting and conversation took place before, during, and after the consumption of the food. There were many that returned to the kitchen for seconds, some boldly and some surreptitiously. Whenever there are a group of Linux users gathered for any reason other than work the conversation generally starts at Linux and Free and Open Source Software. This gathering was no exception. Discussion started with the Final Beta and Release Candidate versions of 18.04 and moved in all directions from there. After consuming vast quantities of food the conversation got lighter to include travel and non-IT hobbies.
Photos were taken to prevent members from ever denying that they were present at some future time in their life.
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