Plug Westside Meeting Feb 25th 2009

The Phoenix Linux Users Group (PLUG) had their Westside meeting today. I attended it like I have been for the last couple of meetings. Several members had recently gone to SCALE in California, so most of the meeting was devoted to talking about what they did there. They said that it was a great learning experience, and a great way to meet many people that use free software. Hans even gave a presentation at SCALE which he went through with us. They are planning on going back next year and invite anyone that is interested to go along with them. I’m planning on going to the next westside meeting, and look forward to seeing more LoCo people show up there in the future.

Woo Hoo!

I figured I should post something here before johnc4510 got after me. hee hee. Well. We did a lot of work on this site, and hope that everyone enjoys it. Hopefully johnc4510 doesn’t break it again. 🙂 Well. I think that’s all that I have for now, so everyone have fun.

Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope Release/Intstallfest Party Planning

Now that the “Jaunty Jack” release is less than 2 months away, we need to start planning for our events. Jono Bacon, the Ubuntu Community Manager, has written some initial guidelines for hosting these events. Jaunty Release Planning. At the next team meeting, Sunday 03/01/09 – 9PM in IRC, we should get started on our planning by looking over past events, and getting a wiki page up that outlines of our plan of attack. Dates, locations, how to get the word out to the general public, and getting the LUGs involved should get us a good start. So, get your thinking caps on and kick your motivation into high gear so that we can have the best events ever!