planned outage

There is a planned outage of the AZ LoCo website, for 07:00 – 09:00 (PST/AZ time) Saturday, May 16, 2009.

The upgrade will not effect the IRC server.
If you have any questions, please contact me either through email; evilgourmet (AT) gmail (DOT) com, IRC channel #ubuntu-us-az ( Jeff_Martin ), or leave a comment. I will check the comments and email and will be in the IRC during the update.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Thank you for your patience.

— admin staff

Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #92

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #92 for the week April 27, May 3.

* Arizona Loco Newsletter
* Ninety Second Edition
* Powered by Ubuntu
* Wednesday-May 6, 2009
* Arizona Loco Team Wiki:

* Next meeting: Sunday May 10, 2009 9:00 PM
* Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-us-az

In this Issue

* Two announcements: Karmic Koala Open for Development and Ubuntu Open Week finished up last Friday.

* johnc4510 talked about applying for the System 76er LoCo program, and reintroduced the flyer we’ve dabbled with so far, , Shipment of CDs should be in his hands Monday.

* PLUG announcements: PLUG devel meeting on Thursday (, PLUG security hackfest Saturday at UAT (, Next week’s PLUG East side meeting is on OpenStreetMaps.

* calimer then made a couple of announcements: SandBox has a facebook group now. . They recently released an RPG that his afterschool club worked on, and displayed it at RPI college (New York State).

Read the whole thing at

SSH Script For Shell account

This script has been asked of me several times. It is a quick little script to have on your computer to assist in logging into your existing shell account on our server. Just place the following text into a file. Be sure to make the file executable and have the file in your path so you can just type its name into a terminal and have it run.

1. Open terminal (Applications < Accessories < Terminal) 2. Type "mkdir bin" this will create a folder called bin in your home directory. It is supposed to be included in your executable path if it exists. 3. Type "cd bin" 4. Type "vim ubuntuaz" 5. Type "i" for input mode 6. Copy and paste text below by highlighting and using right clicks to select copy and paste #!/bin/sh clear echo "Username on Ubuntuaz: " read user_name ssh $ 7. Hit Esc button 8. Hit buttons "Shift + zz" to save and exit 9. Type "chmod 700 ubuntuaz" to make your new file executable Read more