Welcome to Ubuntu Arizona Loco Team

If you are interested in Ubuntu or linux or even open source products you are in the right place
Our Team along with other local groups host local events and training and support. Take a look at our calender
to find the next events or contact us on IRC on freenode #ubuntu-us-az or just click the link on the upper right support link and pick a user name and join our chat channel. We hold a weekly meeting there and have more events starting up all the time, so check back often. Our installfest are the first saturday of the month and we can help you install Linux operating systems and open source programs. Or there is a server installfest on the third Saturday of the month if you are instersted in Servers. There is a new ubuntu hour on the forth Thursday if you want to meet us and say hi. We will be hosting a 12.10 release Party. see the calender for locations and times and current events

Who am I?

Why do you care!? Eh. I figured this was better than making my first post a JOB WANTED poster….

I am neither vegetable nor mineral yet both and more…

Uh… I’m a family guy… loved Bart then realized I’ve always been Homer… 😉

Ubuntu… yes please… Debian servers everywhere… Slackware gets love too… redhat derivitives ah 5.2 5.4 *6.0*…

VMware… ESX on well spec’d hardware… Virtualbox… anywhere and everywhere… Cloud… well … it’s out there…

I’m a SysAdmin… been an SA since an early age… professionally since 1998 or thereabouts… perhaps earlier… we’ll keep that under our hat…

— signature broken… 😉