

Last Weekend Was the Southern California Linux Convention.

WOW, I learned so much. Were do I begin or where does the learning end. If you have ever been to a software convention before or any kind of convention you know that you will always be blown away by all the new stuff coming out; and don’t forget about the great schwag! But for starters I will just highlight three things that I enjoyed:

IPv6 and you:

By a show of hands in the audience, the latest news at the S.C.A.L.E. conference confirms that, yes, IPv6 is rolling out across the country and it will be slowly released into the Phoenix markets in short time. What does it mean to you and what do you need to do to prepare yourself for it; good question, go to this site and find out;

Ubuntu new and improved:

The latest release of Ubuntu as quoted from,(

Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS
Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS is the latest point release of Ubuntu, released on February 14, 2013. It includes a move to the Qualtal hardware enablement stack as well as a series of bug fixes and security updates, making it our most robust Ubuntu to date.

Hacking is a hot topic:

If you have any interest in Hacking security this is the time to get into the field. At the conference there were talks on how to implement security and what to look for in existing system infrastructures. All the way to group hack-fests that were being encouraged during and after the convention. As we have all heard, information vulnerabilities do exist at all layers of the stack and being able to safeguard those openings is real big business. The new group out at Mesa Community College, Ethical Hackers, is just who you need to talk to to get in on the amazing opportunities. Check them out at:

These are just a few of the great topics at the S.C.A.L.E. convention and so much more; but don’t take my word for it, go to and find out for yourself.
Anthony Rhodes

Quick Tip

12.10 orginally shipped with Nautilus 3.2 however I have found this somewhat buggy. I used this article to update Nautilus to 3.6. A small note, the odd number realeases like 3.5 are considered unstable so my advice would be to keep a even number release for the most compatability. Since the upgrade. Nautilus hasn’t crashed. I have a 12.10 64 bit. I will leave the link for those who wish to look into it

Special thanks to those on irc last night. Sadly I missed the meet but enjoyed the conversation afterwards.


lazy man’s legacy

Wow, it has been a year since my last blog and it just prove how bad I am for keeping up with currents. I now have 12.10 and abandoned Win 7. Yes Google is my friend and also decided to get “Ubuntu Made Easy” and “How Linux Works.” I would love to praise Ubuntu Forums however it’s difficult to get support. I have resigned myself to reading and lots of search on the internet. A lot of time the answer is there because these issues are pretty common as well as the fix. Setting up accounts today and irc channels.

So far 12.10 has been smooth sailing for the most part. As with all bleeding edge software, you are going to have the ticks. There are only two I am wrestling with. I have an Asus N15 WiFi card and has a Realtek rtl8188ce chipset. I have a cable connection that is capable of 20 Mbps. The card will run at that speed and ramdomly throttle down to 2 Mbps. A restart is required to reset it.

As a random thought, I have PCI Modems, PCI NIC, AGP cards and a PCI-E Wireless card for the taking. It’s not a lot but if anyone is out in the west valley wants to pick them up. I don’t have any computers I would use these parts on and they might benefit someone else. Send me a email if you wish me to hold them until you can pick them up.

Back to what I was saying. Nautilus tends to create an internal error and the application requires a restart. It’s not a deal breaker, just annoying. That is my news and hope to see all of you on the 9th