BigBlueButton flash issues

Why can’t I accept the Flash Security Dialog on Linux

On some versions of Linux desktop when loading the BigBlueButton client, the user is unable to accept the Flash security dialog asking for permissions to access the computer’s microphone and webcam.

The solution is use the Flash security manager to add an exception for the BigBlueButton host. Doing so will no longer have Flash prompt for access to the microphone/webcam.

To add an exception, do the following.

Open the following URL in a browser Flash Security Manager settings. (This will open the security manager settings for the local Computer.
Click on the tab with screen showing an eye (Web Privacy Settings).
Look through the list for the hostname for your BigBlueButton server.
Click ‘Always Allow’ radio button.

Now launch the BigBlueButton client. You should no longer be prompted for the Flash Security Dialog.

Project Board moved to wiki

we have now moved the Projects page to so look there for the most recent list of Projects.

Since we have not had time to do a ticket or other system I will post
a few notes here on things that we may want to do/try test.
In no order. Please leave a comment if you want to start/work on a project
and please ask for help or have a question or get stalled for any reason.
move own cloud to version 8.0

update installfest server from 2.2 to zentyal 4.0 and organize books and ISO’s

locate a Data centre to host our servers– may have something in the works for July

We have had requests to restart the Servers class we just need someone to lead the events one per month?

high school demo to interest students in admin/programming fields
We have started talks with Azstrut to assit each other in this area

matterhorn server/ or?? to record BBB sessions

Location for Team meeting Central location for access from east/west side members Buton barr has come up would anyone like to organize a meeting?

link out wiki events/meeting to ubuntu lococouncil events calendar


I tend to be on #ubuntu to help others. Today, an interesting question
popped up, how do I clean the old linux images and headers?

Each linux image / header has its own dir in /usr/src/

Let’s start, uname -a … do NOT remove this image

Let’s do a sudo apt-get update … make sure it is clean

If, for some reason, you get errors, try sudo apt-get -f install (fix broken)

Let’s get a list of all the images, dpkg -l | grep linux-image

for each image, issue
sudo apt-get purge linux-image-4.4.0-51 (your numbers will be different)
sudo apt-get purge linux-image-extra-4.4.0-51 (your numbers will be different)

It will do a bunch of things and that image/headers is removed.

After all is done, do another sudo apt-get update to sync everything.

Happy trails!