Creating a MultiBoot USB Drive Using Ubuntu

The document below provides minimal instructions to create a bootable thumb drive using MultiSystem that will allow you to boot to .iso images on the same drive. MultiSystem is open source software that gives you an easy and convenient way to carry around multiple installation .iso files. It’s great for Install Fests or to use as a means to run a Live LINUX instance of any version you may need.

While MultiSystem may have other uses, functions, or tools, these instructions are limited to just the multiboot aspect. If you are using the bootable USB you created on a Windows 8 platform (or any system with UEFI/Secure Boot), check out the article posted by wmack here:

Adding a Second Keyboard Layout to Lubuntu

How to add a second keyboard layout to Lubuntu.

If you right click the little flag or two letter county code on the right side of the LXPanel, you will get a menu. Choose “Keyboard Layout Handler” settings. On the right side of the window that just came up, navigate to “Keep system layouts” under “Advanced setxkbmap Options” and uncheck it. The “Keyboard Layouts” section of the window will become editable after that. Choose “+ Add” and a list of keyboard layouts will become visible. Choose the one that you want. It will appear under your default layout. Before you close the window, you must re-check “Keep system layouts”.
You have to have the language pack installed for the language that you just added. You do that by going to Menu->Preferences->Language Support. Choose Install/Remove Languages. Select your language and then Apply Changes. You do have to reboot for the changes to take effect and the download and installation of some languages may take a while.