Tucson Linux Meet-Up

Two of us drove from Sierra Vista to attend the initial meeting of the Tucson Linux Meet-Up. The meeting took place at the Summit Hut, 5251 E. Speedway Blvd, Tucson from 6-7:30pm. There were 11 attendees. After an introduction of all those present to include their backgrounds there was a discussion on the direction(s) that the group should take to meet the members needs and desires. The concept of presentations to the group was well received and several attendees volunteered to give them. The subject of installfests was raised which was also well received provided that after installation there was a method created for follow up should the individual have additional questions or should problems rear their ugly head.
We provided them with POCs for AZLOCO and the CLUG in Sierra Vista as well as information for receiving support for installfests and Linux workshops. Information on the other two Linux groups in Tucson was submitted to them as well should they decide to coordinate their efforts.

Install-Fest Location Change

The location for the 1 October 2016 and the 5 November 2016 Installation Festival/Linux Workshop has changed. Since the University of Advancing Technology is using all of the rooms on the 1st of October and the 5th of November, we will be moving the Install-fest to Gangplank, http://gangplankhq.com/chandler/, 260 S Arizona Avenue, Chandler, AZ 85225. There is free public parking just across the street next to Circle K. The time will remain the same 10-4. The Install-fest for 15 October 2016 will remain unchanged and will meet at UAT.

Tucson Free Unix Group meeting

Three of us from Sierra Vista drove up to Tucson to attend an “unofficial” Tucson Free Unix Group meeting at Cafe Luce in Main Gate Square outside of the University of Arizona on 31 July 2016 at 2:30 pm. There were four Tucson residents there who were interested in starting physical meetings for the group. We provided them with POCs for both AZLOCO and the Cochise Linux User Group in Sierra Vista and some basic information on communication between members and some requirements for holding Installation Festivals/Linux Workshops. They want to meet twice a month but no one was willing to step up to be the group driver. We recommended that that position be occupied by several people to prevent the loss of continuity if that person should lose interest, move away from the community, or otherwise absent himself. We also expressed a willingness to provide assistance in the way of advice or lessons learned from the establishment and early months of the CLUG. They have been provided with four email addresses of possible previous admins or organizers and the information on their domain name. We will now await further activity on their part.