Grub Customizer

Back when I was distro hopping after I became dissatisfied with the operating system that I was using, it was not uncommon for me to have two, three, or even four operating systems on the same hard drive. An incident occurred at the recent Installfest on the 3rd of December that brought to mind a a small application that I had used to change the default operating system, Grub Customizer.
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Create strong passwords

At a recent #ubuntu-us-az meeting, this url was posted as an easy way to generate a password. I kinda liked option 4 which uses perl, available in most Linux distros. Should you not have it, apt-get install perl will install it.

# save as
my @alphanumeric = (‘a’..’z’, ‘A’..’Z’, 0..9);
my $randpassword = join ”, map $alphanumeric[rand @alphanumeric], 0..7;
print “$randpassword\n”

The code is simple, it creates an array with all the upper, lowercase, and numeric characters. You could add special characters into that array if you want. The [rand @array] generates a random number between 0 and the length of the array, the map $array maps the random number to the random-th element of the array, the join function will join those characters together and it will repeat this 8 times, 0..7

Executing perl a few times will help the randomless of the generated password.