It is time for the AZLOCO Team to be re-verified by the LoCo Council. We are on the agenda for their 12 September 2017 meeting at 2000 UTC (1300 our time). The meeting will take place on #Ubuntu-meeting on Attend the meeting if you can to support your local Team.
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Recent changes to do-release-upgrade
This is a recent email to the ubuntu-devel mailing list that describes not only recent changes to the do-release-upgrade process, but how it works in general. It is also posted here.
If you are unaccustomed to the command-line…first of all, you should learn the command line. But for now, the do-release-upgrade utility is used to upgrade from one Ubuntu release to another. The graphical desktop utility utilizes this as well.
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keyboard woes with an encrypted disk
During today’s installfest we had a system with keyboard issues. The specific details were this: An ASUS laptop E200H, ubuntu 17.04 with gnome, and an encrypted hard drive. The system booted up to the screen where it requests the disk encryption password. At this point in time, the system did not allow the use of the laptop’s keyboard. It did however recognize an external USB keyboard.
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