Hello everyone,
I am working on a GDM login for the the group, something that is branded that we have all had input on.
Attached is the concept, let me know what you think.
( a nice usplash is on the way too )

Hello everyone,
I am working on a GDM login for the the group, something that is branded that we have all had input on.
Attached is the concept, let me know what you think.
( a nice usplash is on the way too )
There is a new Ubuntu release coming up quickly, and I would like to assemble a AZ LoCo multiple DVD.
Releases I would like to have on the DVD would be:
Since this DVD would be used at the InstallFests, and available for download as a torrent from the server here, we need AZ LoCo Artwork — desktops and images that can be the splash screens, and Cover art. Ubuntu Server was also included in the original version.
What would be nice would be some screencast tutorials to include on the DVD, information about the LoCo ( where to join, where to get help, etc.)
This something we did in 2007, it was moderately popular with the Linux community. Here is a link to the original torrent: http://www.mininova.org/tor/798483
Well, I got antsy and decided to install the alpha 6 version of Jaunty on my Toshiba laptop to see how it was, and to make sure I could. The Intrepid version wouldn’t install on this machine, so I had to do an upgrade. Luckily the upgrade was smooth. This new alpha installed right off though, and I glad because I prefer to keep my /home partition and do a fresh install of the / partition.