Words For The Taking

Hello Everybody,

I missed the blessing of IRC chats. Yep, I have been MIA but stayed in a Ubuntu state of mind. Most of my efforts is taking the culture of open source.

I took some much deserved pride in posting my PGP key in launchpad. I know, for there are people that has long past there teething and it might not mean that much anymore. This was my first solo attempt to do discover the complexities of Ubuntu. Gotta be honest here, most of my motivation is bragging rights. I love to get underneath the hood of an O/S. Ubuntu has been my greatest frustation but my greatest accomplishment. I think it’s part of the indoctrination. I lost about 3 days of sleep and a lot of google and you tube. On the 3rd day, it suddenly clicked and it didn’t get it from just once.

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Seeing through windows

It has been forever in getting back here but sometimes life moves a little quicker than your ability to step.

My system is presently on overhaul and will have the needed parts in about 3 weeks.

I have been keep up with Windows 7. I was a bit bit taken back about Ubuntu’s switch to Unity on it’s future versions of Ubuntu. I am not opposed to the move entirely but it does place some concern in canonical’s relationship with the GNOME project. I tried the 10.10 netbook edition on a HP Mini 210 and had a great deal of issue with the touchpad. A USB mouse would have corrected it but my expectations are that the touchpad should work out of the box.

Moving forward, Unity has a very simple interface but on this occasion, very labored. There will have to be some work. I look forward to 11.04. I don’t think this should be something to jump ship on. I give Ununtu their props for moving forward with their own GUI. It’s a brazen move but I look forward to the results.

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Ubuntu was ABLE

ABLEconf (Arizona Business and Liberty Experience conference) was held on Saturday, October 24, 2009. Once again at the University of Advancing Technology in Phoenix, the conference held more presentations than in its inaugural. Among those displaying their services was the Ubuntu-Arizona LoCo team.

I was disappointed with the conference at first, this year. Not because my table was bracketed by Red Hat on one side and Fedora on the other. That was pure serendipity, and we had a lot of fun talking about our experiences and discussing mutual problems with various programs and new converts. No, it just seemed that there were very few people attending the conference. All morning long, we only had a handful of people approach the tables.

BOY! Was I wrong. Noon-time came, and the whole area around the vendors’ tables seemed to sprout people by the handfuls and in bunches. Then it hit me. Everyone had been at the morning presentations. That’s why we hadn’t seen them. About 90 people filled the space as PLUG (Phoenix Linux Users Group) leader Hans started up the raffle for prizes. Sponsors had donated a number of prizes to be given out – everything from books to a USB pen (literally) drive, to a child’s penguin costume, to various food items. Excitement ran high as Hans had tickets selected and numbers called off, and good natured teasing erupted from all over.

Reports I’ve heard lead me to believe that the presentations were well received. Certainly discussions at my table were enlightening both for the people who came to ask questions and for me. If the questions raised at my table are any indication then people are starting to think of more than just “what’s in it for me.” They are beginning to ask about how Linux behaves and what is available, as well as differences between distributions.

The talks with the Red Hat representatives was just as enlightening. We discussed problems we’d had with various elements of our distributions – everything from window managers and sound and graphics to problems raised by others and how we strove to solve them. It was interesting to find that we all shared similar problems and solutions. Unlike commercial software vendors, there was no competition between us, or at least only good natured competition. We were just as apt to suggest to someone that they also look into Red Hat or Fedora or Ubuntu, and see if it suited their needs. We even discussed SELinux, both between ourselves and with conference attendees. The spirit of Free Libre Open Source Software seems to have been the attitude of the whole conference. Though we each presented our own distributions and situations, we didn’t restrict ourselves, and tried to make things as all-inclusive as possible.

For myself, the AZ LoCo distributed 12 Ubuntu server disks, 9 Kubuntu desktop disks, and 19 Ubuntu desktop disks. In all, I think this ABLEconf was a success, and was glad that I was able to represent Ubuntu and the Arizona LoCo. I look forward to future ones as being even better.