I want to thank Mark for the work that he has done on converting our team website to Word Press.
Category: Team
AZLOCO Meeting Date Changes
Effective 17 February, the Ubuntu Arizona Local Community Team (AZLOCO) will only hold on line meetings on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month. The time, 9:00-9:30 pm, and of course the IRC channel, #ubuntu-us-az on freenode.net, will remain the same. This change is the result of several factors, the low attendance at the on line meetings and the apparent repetitive release of information. The meeting notes will continue to be sent to those members who have subscribed to the AZLOCO mailing list.
Welcome to our team blog!!
Hello Arizona Team!! Welcome to our team blog. I hope you will all have some fun using our team blog for expressing yourselves. Please don’t feel like you have to blog only about Ubuntu.
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