A group of Linux users in the Northwest Phoenix metropolitan area have banned together to form a new Linux User Group, the Northwest Phoenix Pi and Linux User Group, NPPL. After a meeting of organizers that occurred last week, it was decided to hold two events each month. The first event which will occur on 14 March, 1200-1500, at the Foothills Recreation and Aquatic Center, 5600 W. Union Hills Dr. in Glendale AZ will be an organizational meeting to determine what the group wants to do and where they want to meet. Currently, the group anticipates two events per month on the 2nd and last Saturdays. The first, at the above address, will be an Installation Festival/Linux Workshop co-sponsored with the AZLOCO Team and the second at a location to be named later will be more of a social event where Linux users can meet other Linux users in a more casual atmosphere. The Point of Contact for additional information will be Rudy, rudyg2016@yahoo.com

Mark says:
Kudos to Rudy for stepping up and organizing this.