the azloco web site continues to have some instability and may be off-line from time to time for maintentance and analysis.

the azloco web site continues to have some instability and may be off-line from time to time for maintentance and analysis.
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MajB says:
Hats Off
Thanks to the tireless efforts of wmack, our website is once again operational and secure. Too often the work of Team member volunteers goes unheralded. Things work because they are supposed to work. Right? Well, that is not always the case. Volunteers generally have a full time job, a family and friends, and a social life that is often separated from the Arizona Local Community. They share their knowledge and experience with us, the FNG’s of the Ubuntu world not because of some lofty requirement. They work on Team projects and provide assistance because they enjoy seeing things do what they are supposed to do and they take pleasure when everything works. So, thank you wmack.