Project Board moved to wiki

we have now moved the Projects page to so look there for the most recent list of Projects.

Since we have not had time to do a ticket or other system I will post
a few notes here on things that we may want to do/try test.
In no order. Please leave a comment if you want to start/work on a project
and please ask for help or have a question or get stalled for any reason.
move own cloud to version 8.0

update installfest server from 2.2 to zentyal 4.0 and organize books and ISO’s

locate a Data centre to host our servers– may have something in the works for July

We have had requests to restart the Servers class we just need someone to lead the events one per month?

high school demo to interest students in admin/programming fields
We have started talks with Azstrut to assit each other in this area

matterhorn server/ or?? to record BBB sessions

Location for Team meeting Central location for access from east/west side members Buton barr has come up would anyone like to organize a meeting?

link out wiki events/meeting to ubuntu lococouncil events calendar

4 thoughts on “Project Board moved to wiki”

  • I want to see about being in
    I want to see about being in a project or two. I want to look into upgrading the Loco server to Zentyal 3.4. I’ve only worked on upgrading desktop computers, but would like to get into something more.

    • server upgrade
      Cool we will need to find a date and place since we use the installfest server
      at all installfests I am currently looking for a 2+TB hdd to use as a data back up then we can start

      • I’m not sure when I will be
        I’m not sure when I will be able to do that. I just lost my job so money right now is tight. But I will look to see what I can fine.

  • Possible Installfest location
    Toddc I was thinking South Mountain Community College on 24th and Baseline. It’s a little farther down Baseline where the installfest is right now. But it would be the closest place that comes to mind that would be between the East and West Valley.

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